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发布时间2014-12-27 14:16:38     作者:admin     浏览次数: 次












1.      2012-2015,国家自然科学基金项目《科学发明中顿悟的原型启发认识神经机制》(号 31170983),项目负责人,经费58万元。

2.  20151月—201812,(项目编号:31470981)国家自然科学基金项目《科学发明中原型启发的创造性成分及其脑机制》,项目负责人,经费85万元。

3.   2014716 《西南少数民族中学生的民族认同与心理适应研究》2014年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目。项目批准号:14JJD880009 。经费20万元 (教育部社会科学司)




1.       Jiang, J., Zhang, Q.L. ( correspondingauthor) , van Gaal, S.. Conflict awareness dissociates theta-band neural dynamics of the medial frontal and lateral frontal cortex during trial-by-trial cognitive control. Neuroimage.2015,116,102-111.

2.       Ming, D., Chen, Q., Yang, W., Chen, R., Wei, D., Li, W., ... & Zhang, Q. (corresponding author) . Examining brain structures associated with the motive to achieve success and the motive to avoid failure: A voxel-based morphometry study.Social neuroscience, 2015,1-11.

3.       Tong, D.D., Li, W.F., Tang, C., Yang, W.J., Tian, Y., Zhang, L.,Zhang, M.,Qiu,J.,Liu,Y.J., & Zhang, Q. L.(corresponding author). An illustrated heuristic prototype facilitates scientific inventive problem solving: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Consciousness and cognition, 2015, 34, 43-51.

4.       Chen, Q. L., Xu, T., Yang, W. J.,Li, Y.D.,Sun,J.Z.,Wang,K.C., Beaty, R., Zhang, Q.l., Zuo, X.N., Qiu,J.Individual differences in verbal creative thinking are reflected in the precuneus. Neuropsychologia, 2015,75,441-449.

5.       刘鑫,陈群林,贾磊,张庆林(通讯作者).字谜与远距离联想解决中认知成分的比较. 2015, 38(1)139-145.

6.       陈丽,李伟霞,张烨,张庆林(通讯作者).躯体知觉的认知神经机制.心理科学,2015, 38(1)85-92.

7.       刘阳;孙秀玲;龙长权;张庆林.“民汉一体化教学”模式下维吾尔族大学生的群际内隐态度研究. 民族教育研究,2015, 2, 94-102.



1.       Zhang, H., Liu, J., & Zhang, Q.L. (corresponding author). Neural representations for the generation of inventive conceptions inspired by adaptive feature optimization of biological species. Cortex. 2014,50,162-173. 

2.       Chen, Q.L.,Yang, W.J.,Li, W. F.,Wei, D.T.,Li, H. J.,Qiao, J., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author), & Qiu, J. Association of creative achievement with cognitive flexibility by a combined voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study.NeuroImage. 2014,102,474–48.

3.       Li, H. J., Li,W.F., Wei, D.T., Chen, Q.L., Jackson, T., Qiu, J., & Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author).Examining Brain Structures Associated with Perceived Stress in a Large Sample of Young Adults Via Voxel-Based Morphometry. NeuroImage, 2014,92,1-7.

4.  Qiao, J., Zhang, Q.L., (corresponding author) & Li, M. Long-term impacts of adolescent risperidone treatment on behavioral responsiveness to olanzapine and clozapine in adulthood. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2014, 48,177-185.

5.  Li, H. J., Sun, J. Z., Zhang, Q. L., Wei, D. T., Li, W. F., Jackson, T., ... & Qiu, J. Neuroanatomical Differences between Men and Women in Help-Seeking Coping Strategy. Scientific reports, 2014,4.

6.       Cui, Q., Vanman, E., Wei, D. T., Yang, W.J. Jia, L. & Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author). Detection of deception based on fMRI activation patterns underlying the production of a deceptive response and receiving feedback about the success of the deception after a mock murder crime. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.2014, 9(10), 1472-1480.

7.       Wei, D.T., Li, W.F., Chen, Q.L., Li, H.J., Hao, X., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q.L., Qiu, J. Regional gray matter volume and anxiety-related trait interact to predict somatic complaints in non-clinical sample. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2015, 10(1),122-128

8.       Li,W.F., Li, X.T., Huang, L.J., Kong, X.Z., Yang, W.J., Wei, D.T., Li,J.G., Cheng, H.S., Zhang, Q.L., Qiu, J.& Liu, J.Brain structure links trait creativity to openness to experience. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2015, 10(2),191-198

9.       Li, Y. D., Qiao, L., Sun, J. Z., Wei, D. T., Li, W. F., Qiu, J., Zhang,Q.L. & Shi, H. Y.(2014). Gender-specific neuroanatomical basis of behavioral inhibition/approach systems (BIS/BAS) in a large sample of young adults: A voxel-based morphometric investigation. Behavioural brain research, 274, 400-408.

10.   Qiao, J., Gao, J., Shu, Q., Zhang, Q.L., Hu, G., Li. M. Long-lasting sensitization induced by repeated risperidone treatment in adolescent Sprague-Dawley rats: a possible D2 receptor mediated phenomenon? Psychopharmacology, 2014. 231,1649-1659.

11.   Ming, D., Tong, D.D.,Yang, W.J.,Qiu, J.,& Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author). How can  we gain insight in scientific innovation? Prototype heuristic is one key. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2014,14 ,98–106

12.   Du, X., Wei, D.T., Pilyoung, K., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author), Qiu, J. Adolescent earthquake survivors show  increased prefrontal cortex activation to masked earthquake images as adults.International Journal of Psychophysiology.2015,95(3),292-298.

13.   Shen, Y. M., Jackson, T., Ding, C., Yuan, D. H., Zhao, L., Dou, Y. L., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author). Linking Perceived Organizational Support with Employee Work Outcomes in a Chinese Context: Organizational Identification as a Mediator. European Management Journal.2014 ,32,406-412

14.   Che, X.W., Wei, D.T., Li,W.F., Li,H.J., Qiao,L., Qiu,J., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author), & Liu, Y.J.The correlation between gray matter volume and perceived social support: A voxel-based morphometry study. Social neuroscience, 2014,9(2),152-159.

15.   Che, X.W., Zhang, Q.L., Zhao, J.Z., Wei, D.T., Li, B.B., Guo, Y.N., Qiu, J.,  & Liu, Y.J. Synchronous activation within the default mode network correlates with perceived social support. Neuropsychologia, 2014, 63, 26-33.

16.     Yang, W.J., Liu, P.D., Wei, D.T., Li, W.F., Hitchman, G., Qiu, J. & Zhang, Q. L. (corresponding author). Females and males rely on different cortical regions in Raven’s Matrices reasoning capacity: evidence from a voxel-based morphometry study. PLoS ONE, 2014,9(3), e93104.

17.   Sun, J.Z., Li, H.J., Li, W.F., Wei, D.T., Hitchman, G., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author), & Qiu, J. Regional gray matter volume is associated with rejection sensitivity: A voxel-based morphometry study. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.2014,14, 1077-1085.

18.   Zeng, J.M., Cao, Z. P., Huang, J.J., Hitchman, G., Zhang, Q.L.(corresponding author). Predictability influences whether outcomes are processed in terms of original or relative values. Brain and Cognition, 2014, 90, 1–7.

19.   Li, W. W., Li, Y. D., Yang, W. J., Zhang, Q. L., Wei, D.T., Li, W.F., Hitchman, G., & Qiu, J. Brain structures and functional connectivity associated with individual differences in Internet tendency in healthy young adults. Neuropsychological, 2015, 70,134–144.

20.   Xi-Nian Zuo, Jeffrey Anderson, Pierre Bellec, Rasmus Birn, Bharat Biswal, Janusch Blautzik, John Breitner, Randy Buckner, Vince Calhoun, Francisco Castellanos, Antao Chen, Bing Chen, Jiangtao Chen, Xu Chen, Stanley Colcombe, William Courtney, Cameron Craddock, Adriana Di Martino, Hao-Ming Dong, Xiaolan Fu, Qiyong Gong, Krzysztof Gorgolewski, Ying Han, Ye He, Yong He, Erica Ho, Avram Holmes, Xiao-Hui Hou, Tianzi Jiang, Yi Jiang, William Kelley, Clare Kelly, Margaret King, Stephen LaConte, Janet Lainhart, Xu Lei, Hui-Jie Li, Kaiming Li, Kuncheng Li, Qixiang Lin, Dongqiang Liu, Jia Liu, Xun Liu, Yijun Liu, Guangming Lu, Jie lu, Beatriz Luna, Jing Luo, Daniel Lurie, Ying Mao, Daniel Margulies, Andrew Mayer, Thomas Meindl, Mary Meyerand, Weizhi Nan, Jared Nielsen, David O'Connor, David Paulsen, Vivek Prabhakaran, Zhigang Qi, Jiang Qiu,  Chunhong Shao, Zarrar Shehzad, Weijun Tang, Arno Villringer, Huiling Wang, Kai Wang, Dong-Tao Wei, Gao-Xia Wei, Xu Weng, Xuehai Wu, Ting Xu, Ning Yang, Zhi Yang, Yu-Feng Zang, Lei Zhang, Qinglin Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Ke Zhao, Zonglei Zhen, Yuan Zhou, Xing-Ting Zhu, and Michael Milham. An Open Science Resource for Establishing Reliability and Reproducibility in Functional Connectomics. Scientific Data,2014

21.   崔茜, 雷旭, 杨文静, 王一峰, 张庆林.(通讯作者).有无反馈对欺骗过程的神经机制的调控作用. 中国科学, 2014, 44(9), 938-950.

22.杨文静,刘培朵,崔茜,郝鑫,肖宵,张庆林(通讯作者). 自我参照对情绪性记忆定向遗忘的影响. 心理学报,2014,46(2),156-164.

23.蒋军,向玲,张庆林(通讯作者),陈安涛. 冲突适应独立于意识:来自行为和ERP的证据. 心理学报,2014,46(5),581-592.

24.车先伟,齐铭铭,关丽丽,张庆林,杨娟. 大学生心理性应激水平与创造性能力的关系研究. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2014, 36(4), 152-155.

25.明丹,杨文静,张庆林(通讯作者). 大学生情绪调节策略与创造性思维的关系研究. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2014,36(4),156-161.

26.   李维维, 杨群, 张庆林, 曾建敏.法律基本原则与普通公民的量刑决策—来自实验的证据. 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)2014,13(3), 245248

27.   张烨,张凤华,向玲,杨群,张庆林(通讯作者).人类面孔早期加工特异性神经机制.心理学探新,2014,344),316-322

28.   贾磊,张庆林(通讯作者),李肖,孙晓,肖宵. 语义性别刻板印象对注意返回抑制的影响——来自行为和ERP的证据.心理学探新,2014,34(5), 410-415.


